Saturday, September 22, 2007

Calling All QBs!

Hail to all in the YouBeQB universe. How does it feel to be the smartest person you know? And no, I'm not trying to 'damn you with faint praise', a'la Al Czervik from 'Caddyshack'.

"Don't sell yourself short, Judge. You're a tremendous slouch."

Al Czervik

(By the way, my favorite part of that picture is that you can see Mr. Wang in the background snapping a few photos with his Nikon. "Hey, Wang! What's with the pictures?! It's a parking lot... come on!")

Why am I giving you props for being so smart, and letting you know that you're no slouch? Because if you're reading this not only are you part of that rarefied group of early adopters who have discovered YouBeQB in its gestational beginnings, but you're part of an even more exclusive sub-strata of people who have found the YouBeQB Blog! Give yourself a pat on the back.

We're getting cranked up and ready to roll, for another fantastic week of college and pro football action.

So, speaking of action, I've assigning YOU a 'call to action'.

What is the call to action, pray tell, you ask?

I want to start featuring some of the cool leagues, and other creative ideas that are starting to percolate throughout the site. If you're in a cool league, drop us a line and tell us all about it - maybe you'll see an item in the Blog devoted to telling the world how cool YOUR YouBeQB league is.

Don't belong to a league? Then tell me about you - how you're doing with your picks, why you picked your QB name, what you like most about YouBeQB.

Want to be immortalized? Then I want you....

Uncle Sam


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