Do you think that, when they ship the Hawaii Chair to you, they include some Dramamine and a certificate for a complimentary vertigo treatment?
By the way, in case you were wondering (and I doubt you were) why I've not blogged about the Super Bowl at all, I think it has a lot to do with the fact that there is so much overkill with the current amount of coverage - I didn't want to add my voice to the other effluvia.
Plus, I think you all should commend me on how I've completely avoided the topic of Britney Spears's committal to a mental hospital - with particular focus on avoiding any mention of the fact that Brit-Brit has been classified by the UCLA Medical Center as 'Gravely Disabled' (or G.D. for short) which means the patient is unable to take care of basic needs, such as the acquisition of food, clothing or shelter.

So I'll just stop before I mention any of that.

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