Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tim Tebow is a Bad Mamma-Jamma

If Florida Gator QB Tim Tebow is not already your personal hero, then in a few months, after Tim Tebow has won the Heisman, then declares for the NFL Draft, and then gets selected #1 overall by the Miami Dolphins, well I'll bet THEN he'll be your personal hero.

I doubt you need any additional evidence, but just in case you do, here are some more visual clues to help you out.

Only player in college football history to throw for 20 TDs and rush for 20 TDs in the same season

Does not need to "plant-and-throw".
Eat your heart out, Tom Brady.

Pretty much speaks for itself, wouldn't you say?

Eat your heart out (again), Tom Brady.

If all that is not enough evidence of the awesomeness that IS Tim Tebow, then you need to check out , and that should get you to see the light.

My good buddy, MPR, called my attention to that site - and MPR (uber-GatorFan) has already named his first child "TheSwamp", his second child "GatorsBabyGators", and if he has a third child, he will be arm-wrestling his bride, Steph, for the naming rights - which would either be "OBC" (for Ol' Ball Coach - even though Spurrier has lost 6 straight games at South Carolina - oh, the humanity), or the other possible name would be "YaCan'tSpellCitrusWithoutU&T"

My favorite fact from

"Superman's only weakness is Kryptonite. Tim Tebow laughs at Superman for having a weakness."


1 comment:

jimmythec said...

I hope he and McFadden both go pro so we can go back the normal SEC where QBs are QBs and running backs are NOT QBs