In 2002, a woman named Barbara Hewson arrived in Los Angeles, after an 11-hour flight from Wales, with torn leg muscles, internal bleeding in her chest, and nerve damage.
Hewson sued Virgin Atlantic, claiming to have been crushed by the obese woman sitting next to her. The woman was so large, she said, that she couldn’t fit into her seat without removing the armrest, effectively sitting on top of Hewson. And when she complained, attendants told her to “ask if another passenger would exchange seats.” (Nobody would.)
In response to Hewson's initial complaint, the airline sent her a $22 basket of canned goods.
A judge awarded her more than $20,000 in cash.
My plane travels in the last week have made me tremendously sympathetic to this poor woman's plight. Though I didn't suffer internal bleeding or nerve damage, there was a woman in the row behind me who seemed intent on inflicting her tuberculosis or whooping cough on the rest of her fellow passengers.
I also wanted to explain to the people around me that the universal rule is: The guy in the middle seat gets BOTH armrests. No exceptions, no negotiations.
I was dismayed to learn that the highest-grossing sports movie of all time is [wait for it]... "The Waterboy"? An Adam Sandler movie is the top-grossing sports movie of all time? Though my sadness was mitigated somewhat by the knowledge that - when adjusted for inflation - "Rocky" has actually taken in more dollars.
If you need a chuckle, check out Esquire magazine's collection of the Five Most Unconventional Police Arrests. It's a smile.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
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