Monday, December 10, 2007

Week 14... We Hardly Knew Ye

You know, I was very interested to see how badly Tom Brady and the Pats would punish young Steelers DB Anthony Smith after Smith "guaranteed" a victory over the Patriots in W14. Sure enough, they did seem to pick on the poor kid, with at least three TDs (by my count) thrown over #27.

After Brady tossed his first TD to Randy Moss in the back of the end zone, Brady sprinted over to Moss for some huggies, and then he ran over to Smith and bobbed his head while clearly talking all kinds of junk. I desperately wish that Brady had been miked up during that exchange, because I would have loved to hear what he said to Smith.

"I don't care to repeat it, especially if my mother reads it."
- Tom Brady, on what he said to the Steelers' Anthony Smith
after the Patriots' first touchdown.

A couple of other good shots from this weekend:

I like this shot mostly because of the wildly unattractive Bills fan in the background, who appears to have shaved a horizontal stripe in his fur so that he could stencil in the word BUFFALO on his flabby boiler. Dude also seems to
wearing some unfortunate combination of Kermit the Frog
gloves with a Fozzy Bear hat. ("Paging Social Services...")

I'm not gonna lie to you - one of these times, I'm waiting for the situation to occur when a player gets swallowed up after a 'Lambeau Leap' and then doesn't come back. Or possibly comes back without pants or something.


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