These photos were taken on December 30 at a 'pre-New Year's party' that Paris was getting paid to host at Pure (which is in Caesar's Palace - in case you're not superhip like me and didn't know about these things; I guess it's Nevada state law now that all nightclubs in Las Vegas must have cool, one-word names like Pure, Light, Rain, Taboo, Cake, Mansion, Affliction, Self-loathing, Herpes, Botulism, or Chlamydia).
As you can see below, they are looking pretty cuddly. I think you can imagine what happened later in the evening as they retired to Paris's suite or K-Fed's camper parked on Flamingo Blvd.
Do I think they got together, you ask? Well, it's not like it's that difficult to sleep with Paris Hilton. Technically I'm not even sure you need to say please, or even ask her using words. The conventional wisdom is that all you have to do is snap your fingers on both hands at once and then point downward.

If K-FED and Paris end up getting together, would the fabric of the universe collapse in on itself? Could one relationship survive with BOTH parties bringing so little to the table? With no discernible talent/skill/intelligence, combined?
You've got two people who are celebrities simply because of different things they did with their private parts. I knew a kid in the third grade who became famous in the school because of something he did with *his* private parts, but he didn't get to drive a Bentley because of it. In fact, he kind of became an outcast. I don't think Paris and K-Fed should be any different.

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