Sunday, April 27, 2008

I Hate the Dentist

I normally don't ever inject any of my own life into this blog, mostly because I figure no one's interested. But a couple days ago, I had a trip to the dentist that is at least worth mentioning.

One of my fillings needed to be replaced, it was discovered during a recent cleaning appointment, and so the dentist said there might be some decay behind the filling that "needed to be cleaned out".

A new appointment was made for several weeks down the road, and that's where I found myself on Thursday of this week.

It was at that point that I heard the two things you never (and I mean EVER) want to hear come out of your dentist's mouth:

1) "I don't think we're going to need to use any anesthetic for this!" (For the record, shouldn't this be the patient's call? My dentist said there was a new tool called the Air Abrasion - which is like a mini-sandblaster, except it's directed into your mouth - which typically isn't a great place to fill up with sand, I've found.) No drill bit, no burr.

At least according to my dentist, this technique could strip away tooth enamel and decay without the use of any type of pain-killer. What I have to say to that: well, you could do a root canal without pain-killers too, I just wouldn't want to.

That led us to the second thing that you never want to hear your dentist say:

2) "Nurse, could you please hand me that instruction book?"

1 comment:

asiabird01 said...

ooh...not good. Instruction Booklet? Maybe it's time to switch dentists!