Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Football is a Rough Sport

For my money, Sports Illustrated employs the best sports photographers in the world. Check out this handful of shots from Week 10 in the NFL.

Three things to notice about this photo:
(1) I'm sure this felt well-below-average. LJ Smith probably
needed to pound a couple ibuprofens after this game, eh?
(2) Sean Taylor has some muscular forearms,
(3) somewhere off to the side, the ref is reaching into his
pants pocket to pull out his yellow hankie.

Stud. This was Antonio Cromartie's third pick of the first
half on Sunday night. It's almost like Deion Sanders
got split into two people - Devin Hester and this guy.

Listen, Mr. Browns DB... are you going to
to me for bruising my fist with your face?

This hurts. I need a Vicodin.

Are these guys doing the Macarena?
Or possibly the Hokie-Pokie?

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